Thursday, March 26, 2009

tag from bello~

1. The Rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.
2. Then, you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer.
3. After that tag 12 people.

1. The age of my next birthday = 20 (waaa.. da tua)

2. The place I would like to travel to = jepun

cm bunga kt kubur jek (huhu)

3. The favorite place = rumah saya

cm view kt kmpung aku jek.. waaa sedey

4. The favorite food = nasi

ni cm nasik lemak jek

5. The nickname I had = wani


6. The favorite colour = purple

yg aku taw.. kalo kita nmpk gmbr ni bgerak.. mknanya kita ngan tension.. btoikah???

7. The city I live in (For now) = kangar

8. The city I was born in = kangar

9. College Major = petroleum

ni cm pencemaran alam ja.. huhu

10. Bad habit = tdo

11. Hobby = bela ayam

12. Wishlist = i-phone (ada sapa2 nk blikn?? hee)

then, kene tag 12 orang?? x nk gk leh x??

tag by ILA

here are the simple rules :
1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them your blog and let them know they have been challenged the picture ...

ni gmbr time aku ngan zophor lepak2 kt tasek smbl mkn gula2 kapas.. hehe

*~* x nk tag sapa2 leh x?? hee

Monday, March 23, 2009

home SWEET home~

sy sgt gumbira
sbb da smpai umah
mlm sbtu ritu..

mari2 wat keja

program kayuhan rakan cop 09 pon brakhir ngan beshnya..
sonok dpt jumpk mcm2 jns manusia..
dr budk sekolah rdh smpai la oang2 tua..
suma mmg semangat bkayuh

60++ km..

anda rasa anda mmpukah??

ni team kayuh KULIM

2 oang pakcik ni dr ipoh.. aku mmg tabik la ngan semangat diorg

zophor yg cuba mmahami bhasa kambing!!

tag from ms WANIES

It's not as easy as you might think!
Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.
Be sure to tag the person you received it from!


1. Where is your cell phone?
~atas meja

2. Your significant other?

3. Your hair?
~hitam.. haha

4. Your favourite thing?
~~henfon (

5. Your dream last night?
~da x ingt (aku ada mmpikah smlm??)

6. Your favourite drink?
~~sky juice (hee.. elak sket kncing manis)

7. Your dream/goal?
~tmbh cuti midsem lg sbulan (leh x??)

8. What room you are in?
~blk tdo

9. Your hobby?

10. Your fear?

11. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
~perlis (i lup perlis!!)

12. Where were you last night?

13. Muffins?
~comei sgt tuk besday che nah

14. Wish list item?

15. Where you grew up?
~~perlis of course

16. Last thing you did?
~msg member

17. What are you wearing?
~tshirt + suar pjg

18. Your TV?
~tv9 (adk dok tgk ceta jula juli)

19. Your pets?
~~my catS (puteh+nyet+tot+gebu+busyuk)

20. Friends?

21. Your life?
~~soooooo bz.. penin2 lalat sket

22. Your mood?
~cm angin (kdg sepoi2 bhasa.. kdg cm el nino!! hee)

23. Missing someone?
~x kot.. haha da jumpak my famili

24. Car?aderNakHadiahkan??
~da lupa cm na nk drive manual.. (huhu sedey)

25. Something you're not wearing?
~jam+cincin+subang etc

26. Your favourite store?
~mini market v5 (apakah??)

27. Your favourite color?

28. When is the last time you laughed?
~few hours ago

29. Last time you cried?
~rahsia.. hihi

30. Who will resend this?

31. One place that I go to over and over?
~blk umah

32. One person who emails me regularly?

33. Favourite place to eat?
~nasik lemak v5 (nyam2)

34. Why you participated in this survey?
~makcik wani da tag sy.. asa cm free jek nk watwsala

35. What are you doing tonight?
~tv.. tenet.. pk pasal event yg ntah bla nk abes.. huhu

~mrs zul akmal
~roszopor's daughter.. meow2
~my again head fnb.. mr syazwan
~zareen+ila (bla la diorg nk wat tag aku niyh.. hee)

Friday, March 20, 2009


cuti midsem kt utp da stat
rumet aku da blk
housemet2 aku pon amai yg da blk..

aku blk sbtu mlm
amai yg tnya sbb pa aku x blk ngan che nah??
sok pg sbtu aku d urusetia tuk kayuhan rakan cop
mekasih wat member2 yg sudi blk lmbt
n tolong aku jd urusetia

stgi koi 9 pakcik sallehan nk bwk suma urusetia ke IPD perak tgh
aku pon x penah jejak kaki kt ctu


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

tag from cik ZUREEN

#1 Describe 10 things about the person who tag you

1. mrs bobby
2. comei (kdg2 la.. hihi)
3. budk pahang (btoikah?? ;D)
4. oangnya kecik2
5. suka gelak
6. slalu kna cubit ngan zophor kalo dok sebelah zophor
7. suka tgk anime
8. idong merah (oang laen yg ckp.. hihi)
9. alergic kalo mkn ubat apa ntah (da x ingt.. kn2?)
10. budk tb dr las year lg

#2 Describe 10 things about you

1. mak ckp aku budk debab (huhu.. kejam)
2. tp pakcik sallehan ckp aku da kurus (cm tpu jek..)
3. malu2 kucing
4. tone suara btukar kalo kna present
5. suka tdo
6. ada rumet baek ati
7. skang ni ngah kedemamam
8. x ganas
9. ada oang ckp aku garang
10. budk perlis (idop perlis.. haha)

#3 Choose 10 people to be tagged

1. head aku.. cik wan
2. x-tutor.. cik afifsempoi
3. manusia yg sama nama ngan aku.. cik wani
4. budk depan blk aku.. cik zareen
5. rumet budk depan blk aku.. cik ila
6. x-hosmet.. kak intan
7. cik najwa sofwani
8. cik hafifah
9. pakcik sallehan (kalo lyn la bnda2 cm ni.. hehe)
10. cik ain SBD

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

INTER-SCHOOL debate c0mpetiti0n~

las week.. inter-skul debate competition antara skul2 kt perak
ada 5 sekolah yg join..
sek sultan yusuf
st michael
jom2 tgk debate
star vs convent
sok pg kt undercroft (4 mac 2009)
line of information.. sir!!

gaya 2 da ada sket cm kt atas,, hihi

bunga2 hse week

pasangan 'hot'.. (hihi jgn mrh sab!!)

aiyokk.. head aku ngan PD aku ada skandalkah??

muka cm tensen jek!! hee

~kt bwh2 ni.. da mls nk buh caption..
yg sure komiti2 hse week mmg gila kamera~

~sok ptg ada talk by KARAM SINGH WALIA.. kalo nk tgk dia scara dekat +aksi2 tgn dia meh la bramai2 ke chancellor hall koi 2ptg~~


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