Wednesday, November 25, 2009

walaopon lambat seket~~



*sambil berjoget lambak*

p/s: sedey balik exam.. umah da kosong.. next sem mungkin rasa lagi sunyi. huhu

TAK SABA tunggu 5.30


ada lagik dalam 5 jam lebey untuk paper MECHANICS OF MACHINE. even banyak jek tak taw. banyak jek tak studi lagi.. tapi hati ni da jaoh terbang ke perlis. huhu. petang ni akak ngan adik datang. can't wait to see them~~

che nah ngan ila pon da nak balik hari ni.. safe journey ae kengkawan. jumpak korang 2011. *pas dorang abis intern.. aku lak intern*

~fokus wani fokus~

Monday, November 23, 2009

saya sayang adik saya!!

boley tak hari ni aku lupa besday adek aku 22/11/09. adehhhh2.. call tadi siap bagi alasan tak munasabah. kunun memang plan nak wish dia sebelom abis 22hb. siot punya kakak kan. haha. adiah ke pape kita bincang bila ai balik k. all the best pmR!!

malasnya aku nak studi MOM @.@

hari ni dpt 1 slice kek.. time kaceh yek kawan!!

nanti pinjam la lagi banyak2.. alang2 tu ley bagi sebijik kek twus.. hehe

nak brownies la plak. ley??

p/s: aku asa kapel ngan dak utp tak la suck sangat kot~~ ahaha.. bajet cam ada experience je kan

Sunday, November 22, 2009

apa korang nak wat~~

kalau korang hilang ni benda niyh~~

dalam tu plak ada

ic *yang mungesahkan anda warganegara malaysia.. bukan mat bangla o minah indon*

lesen B2 & D yang da full

yang paling penting ada card bank *time da kopak 2 la yang paling sayang*

kisah ni cam kesinambungan senario the movie 2.. tapi tajuk dia wani-hilang-wallet-dalam-panggung

segalanya bermula di sini~~

kuar dari cinema kan kena lalu lorong kecik.. pastu ada la signboard "plz check ur item blablabla". aku pon terus tetiba pegang poket belakang. alamak!! wallet tak dak. terus patah balik tengok kat seat aku duduk ngan sepanjang lorong 2.. sebab dalam cinema aku memang kompem wallet 2 ada lagi dalam poket belakang aku. time wayang lak.. aku zophor ngan ila duduk asing2 sebab da full. siap carik ngan staff situ..suluh sana suluh sini tapi tak jumpak.

problem ke2 plak bila kad parking ada lam wallet 2.. mula2 kunun p balik kat entrance & tekan balik button nak amik kad baru tapi baru perasan benda alah 2 detect keta.. kaunter pertanyaan plak cakap cakap cakap dapat kad baru & charge singget ja untuk parking. pastu p balai polis yang dekat gerbang malam wat repot..

slumber je lawak2 ngan pakcik 2 oang kat situ.. ley tak terima orang still status bujang sebab ada lagi 3 kosong?? aiyooo.. pastu ke mcd melantak prosperity sebab suma pon da lapa. terpaksa la aku oang-baru-jatoh-miskin ni mem"pau" duet member2 nya..

balik bilik.. stori mori la kat rumet aku.. ada dia cakap aku nampak cool wooo.. sekali lagi cool dalam 1 hari.. hehe nak wat cam na kalau da nak jadik kan!! tapi bukan maksudnya aku ni suka ambik ringan. cuba pk bila aku da hilang suma ni pon da kira nyusahkan diri sdirik tmasok la oang sekeliling aku.. kena p balai wat repot. block card bank aku n wat kad baru. p JPN wat ic baru maybe kena denda lagik ratus2 maybe p JPJ wat lesen baru.. da tahap fakir sebab yang tinggal duit syiling jek.. takkan la aku-wani nak nanges lak kan.. kang plus da nyusahkan hati & mata & telinga oang laen lak.. gelabah dalam hati je la~~ aci tak?? wahaha

p/s: thanx a lot taw kat oang2 yang snggup tolong.. zophor, ila saba jek.. p balai bagai.. nami sebab kasik direction jalan nak p balai even las2 p balai laen..

sorga la kejap..

bila da abes exam..

haha.. tipu jek!! one more paper to kill~~ lalala. 5 paper sudah ditumbuk halus2 jadi sambal belacan.. tak nak pk banyak2 apa yang aku da jawab..

let by gone be by gone la kan. tapi kalo ada yang ter"repeat" next sem mau mampos jugak aku nangis guling2

mechanical engineering design 2 tadi aku jawab terketar2.. ley lak lupa camno "recipe"dr azmi~~ aishhh. abes exam.. harusla la kan suma da bising2 ley jawab ke tak.. diam2 sudey.. pastu zophor cakap aku cam cool jek.. ley jawab ke tak?? haha.. dalam hati ni siapa yang tahu kan.. soklan no3 aku memang lompong abes la.. risau gak la tapi dalam hati jela T_T

pastu malamnya.. aku, ila ngan zophor menonton ini

malas nak review filem ni camno~~ cewahh.. cam penah lak kan aku review filem yang aku tengok kat blog aku

korang ley click sini sini pon boley kalo nak taw apa tu senario the movie episode 2

berapa rate aku nak kasik~~ hmm.. 2/5 boley tak?? bukan nak komdem tapi lawak dorang cam lawak gedik.. *aku lagi sanggup terima gedik fazura ngan maya karin dalam pisau cukup* aksi dorang pon kadang2 lebey2 plak kan.. kalo aku gelak dalam panggung 2 pon tak la seikhlas aku gelak time tengok papadom dulu~~ tapi maybe 2 style dorang wat lawak kot pk positip.. hee

p/s: ada benda tak besh jadik malam 2~~ baca next entry~~

p/s 2: rumet saya ada paper las hari ni... chaiyok2~~ kita sentiasa doakan awak k!! *poyo la plak ayat aku*

Monday, November 16, 2009

2 down.. 4 more to go ;)

" besh nya jawab thermo~~

sukanya jawab thermo~~

cam heaven sangat2 "

haruslah ayat2 di atas cumalah satu pembohongan semata2 kan..

atau cuma angan2 T_T

p/s: harapan janganla ada yang kena repeat.. tak sanggup nak blaja benda2 alah cycle bagai ni dah.. kalo sonang tak po gak

Friday, November 13, 2009

surat CHENTA dr VJ

hmmm.. short la sangat kan~~

" The average performance of the class in Test 2 has been abominable. Giving in to your request, I made it an open book–open notes test, yet the questions were so straight forward, they were deserving of only a closed book test. A number of people have not been able to take advantage of that concession. It proves the following: Some of you had never opened the book before the test; many of you must have been absent to class and never bothered to make up what they missed. And some persons of the class have shamelessly copied. The pity is that such persons cannot even recognize if the answer they are blindly copying is right or wrong. All the warnings that I gave in class regarding the potential mistakes have gone totally unheeded. How else does one explain the following? To call them silly mistakes is being kind to you.

Some of the common mistakes seen in Test 2

1. Using Reynolds number for natural convection and Rayleigh number for forced convection

2. Interchanging property values of water and air.

3. Reading the values in the table wrongly; taking the wrong exponent.

4. Using turbulent correlation for laminar and vice versa.

5. Confusion between Celsius and Kelvin.

6. Confusion between kW and W.

7. I had said in class repeatedly that “Engineering is the art of dealing with approximations” and given any number of examples. I had implored you not to blindly use interpolation but to use judgment. Many of you have done just that, wasting a lot of time in interpolating for properties at 91oC, when the values are known at 90 C. (The error is about 0.25 %!) This, despite my warning, displays what is charmingly called in academics as ‘sheep mentality’. This is just one example.

8. For all those babe-in-the-woods kind of people in class, I had explained painstakingly about heat exchanger effectiveness and given several practical examples so that the idea may penetrate. But it was a waste of time, just as every other class had been a waste of time and effort.

Right in the beginning of the semester I had told you that I will not give free and undeserving passes and that I will not spoon-feed you. By way of a questionnaire, I had your responses promising a responsible attitude towards academics. I must state that I am sorely disappointed.

When one person can score 10 on 10, there is absolutely no justification for over 60 % of the class to get less than 5 on 10, with many zeroes too. It bothers me that such a lot of good money is squandered and no benefits accrue to the individual or to the nation. It makes a mockery of UTP’s vision and mission.

I had originally planned to give of my time over the weekend before the examination to help out those with last minute doubts. But I see that it will be yet another great waste of time.

You have done me a great favor. My heartfelt thanks for expressing your desire not to have me for Fluid Mech II. It would be impossible for me to stand such a group for one more semester. Let another person have that pleasure. All I can do now is to wish you good luck. "

p/s: ahakz.. heat oo heat.. kalo lecturer pon ley wat aku rasa down.. aigoooo~~

p/s: cuba kira ada berapa kali dia sebot "waste of time"???

Saturday, November 7, 2009

yippi~ yippi~

da abes pon 5 test n 2 presentation dis week..

test boley jawab ke tak?? or present ok ke tak??

tu semua belakang kira~~

tapi next week da stat paper final..

dak2 mechi baru nak stat studi week..


go.. go.. fighting mechi jan007
*even tak sehebat moh* hikhik


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